Saturday, March 12, 2005

Explaining myself

I always thought these on line journals and blogs were pretty self serving and written by narcisstic jack offs, but I made a New Years resolution to try and write more. This is because I have a secret desire to be filthy rich. I'll pass on the fame part, that seems burdensome. I remember at the beach house Shallon was saying how we should put cameras in the house and try to do a reality show. Now ignoring the fact that no one would want to watch 30 year olds sitting around drinking and bullshitting, there was the fact of exposure. Shal was talking to Brown and me, we shared a look, and I told her that at the end of the day we all had to have careers to go back to. Brown laughed and said, "Exactly." If our employers or the general public actually knew how we really behaved, the odds of career advancement would be slim at best. Annonymity is nice and often neccessary.
Back to the reason for my blog. I'm not getting rich working with crazies, so I realized I had to think of something else. Coke dealer seems risky, gay porn doesn't pay as much as you'd think, and rigging the lottery seems difficult, unless you live in Boston and your last name is Bulger. If no one gets the Bulger reference, I'll explain it later if anyone cares, just ask. So I got to thinking, "Hey, why don't you write a series of best-selling books?" Well, that was about 5 years ago, and, well, I haven't written shit. It's not like I don't sit in front of my computer enough, I do. Unfortunately, I mostly play on-line games, surf bizarre sites, and email back and forth about random drivel. Don't get me wrong, I really enjoy that, but it's not leading anywhere. Everything I've read and heard about writing indicates that you have to write regularly for it to become a habit, not to mention improve. Sounds obvious enough, so this it. This is a free site, and I can share it for feedback, so that is why I'm here.
If anyone is still reading this, thanks. I'm gonna try and post daily, but we'll see how that goes. I'll try not to be boring, but I'm sure I'll have a lot of sports and political rambling. I do that a lot in email, but it's usually just to a couple folks cause I'm afraid not everyone cares, so this way, it's up to you. If you enjoy, send me envelopes full of cash. Or maybe buy me a beer, I'm easy.
I can put posts in here too, so I'll share my post on ebay, which I did while drunk a couple Sundays ago. This won't make much sense to everyone who doesn't listen to Opie and Anthony, but the picture and comments are pretty funny. I'll close today with my Banana phone conversion kit.

Wait, I found the related link:
If you enjoy this there are like ten other versions I can post, just ask.
Should I have a trademark sign off for this? Yeah, I just thought of one.
Cheers Motherfuckers!


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