Learn to Swim 6/20/06
I have been neglecting this little forum, so I'm just posting some random shit. First up is Volleyball. Darren, Jen C's boyfriend, is trying to start up a league in Hoboken for the summer. It's on Wednesday nights and I'm working, which is a bummer. However, I may try to switch shifts if this thing gets off the ground. I am fully supporting his efforts but am not going to post his # here out of discretion. (Read discretion as, "I get the sense he may be wanted by the law.") More importantly, I really find it funny he has to still identify himself as "Jen C's boyfriend." I'm sure I would know his last name if I saw it, but if he showed up here today and put a gun to my head, not sure I could come up with it. I'd probably just start sobbing and screaming that he looks like Chris Cornell and praising his work with AudioSlave. Darren is somewhat famous in this space as he is responsible for the photo of me homeless trying to trade my writing for beer. So Darren, if it's safe, post another comment where aspiring volleyballers can contact you.
We've all had to identify ourselves in terms of someone else before. "I'm John's Friend", "I'm Mary's son", and "we met at the gay bar". Or even by your title, "The dentist", "your lawyer", "The tran-sexual", and "the rapist". Interesting side note, I've always watched Law and Order, and they are always talking about the Emergency Room doing a "rape kit". I learned today that a "rape kit" is a test to see if someone has been raped. All this time I thought it was odd an Emergency Room would have a kit containing a bottle of choloroform, a ski mask, and duct tape. Cha-cha-cha!
Second thing I'd like to mention is that they opened a Dave & Buster's on 42nd St. Shal and I went there last evening and had a good time. It's like $19 for an entree and a $10 game card. I'd recommend the Blackened Chicken, though Shal's burger was good, too. Cool games if you are into that kind of thing, plus Happy Hour is 4:30-7:30 with half-price girly drinks. I highly recommend it if you work in the city and looking for a little fun on way to Port Authority. I'd suggest we all get together for this, but I don't really like most of you, so fuck off. Joking, I'm sure most of you see more than enough me at shore that midweek stuff would be overkill.
The final thing that has been going on involves a crazy bitch that we are trying to get out of the shore house. I can't even get into it, but it looks like we'll be buying her out. I'd like to write more, but I think I'll wait to see how this all turns out. Plus I got to check with Shal and make sure she doesn't have a link to this. Oh, I just re-read that and it sounds like Crazy Bitch could be anyone. It's not, her name is Fanny, she's new of HobokenI or something. Shal interviewed her...Shal is an extremely nice, wonderful woman. Judge of character? Not so much, but you all know that already if you've ever met me.
Cheers Motherfuckers!