A funny story in the NY Post Monday and Tuesday about a gay gym in Chelsea. Some guy is suing the David Barton Gym due to all the gay sex in the locker room. I've mentioned this before, but it was nice to see I'm not just a crazy homophobe. Here's the abstract:
Now I've never seen any sex acts, but I assume that's because I keep out of the steam rooms and showers. I never take a shower in the city gyms. I was at NYSC last week and Crunch yesterday. Both are around 37th and Broadway. Normal area, right? Weird gay vibe in the locker room. Naked men applying lotion or powdering up right next to you. Gotta blow dry your hair? Do it naked! Drives me nuts. Never seen it at my gym in Hoboken. Never. I think it makes me angry not because I'm homophobic, but because I'm jealous! How great would it be to cut out on your lunch break, have a nice workout, and then have sex with a random stranger while grabbing a steam! Quick shower and back to work. I know this goes on cause men are crazily horny and lack any morals in general. Gay men? Anything goes, as the methamphetamine sex parties and resulting super AIDS proves.
The other weird thing about city gyms are the trainers. They all look like ex-cons. Covered with tats, overly pumped up, and extremely angry looking when no one is watching. Yes, they are primarily black and Hispanic. No, I'm not trying to be racist, I'm just giving my observations. When they are working with their clients, mostly middle-aged whites, they are shucking and jiving, giving their clients high fives and half hugs, and the constant forced, overly loud, fake laugh. Once the client leaves, the scowl returns and I watch them roll their eyes at each other. I don't blame them, mind you, they are earning a living and being nice cause they're being paid. It's the white client's who are clueless. "Hey, this young black man covered in tattoos and looking like a pro athlete really likes me! High five, half-hug! I'm down with the brothers despite being a 50 year old flabby executive!" Trust me, it's really painful to watch.
Racism is real and every group is guilty of it for various reasons. I personally think it's a hard wired thing for humans that we try to overcome. We are more comfortable around those that we most resemble and have the most common history. That being said, don't think for a second that every race doesn't like it when other races are afraid of them. The white's have the KKK and Neo-Nazi's, plus the power of controlling everything. The blacks have rap and hip-hop, popping cap's in your ass, etc. Hell, that all started with young Malcolm X's "By any means necessary." Scared the hell out of whitey! Asians have Ninja's and kamikazes. Latinos have...wiry strength and fast balls to the head...Mexican gangs seem scary, I'm not sure. Jews are very smart, good with a buck...Okay I've kind of lost the thread here, maybe I should just discuss my own prejudices. I have instinctive reactions to certain groups. When I see a Hasidic Jew, I can't help but giggle. They look ridiculous and are crazy religious. During the last holiday, some family in Brooklyn left a stove top burner on all weekend so they could cook without operating anything mechanical. Lit the apartment on fire and two of their kids died. Crazy, simply crazy. When I see Asian women, I get an uncontrollable erection. I don't think I need to or should explain that. Dominicans make me yell "Go Red Sox!" Puerto Ricans make me thirsty, but that's mostly Rico's fault. When I see African-Americans, I seem to scream racial epithet's. Just natural reactions I can't seem to control. Did I mention I'm from Boston? Yeah...okay then. Cheers Motherfuckers !